Call for papers


Participants wishing to attend the workshop need to submit short papers (4 pages maximum) detailing their experiences with video data and analysis:
- an overview of projects they've been involved with, where video data has been collected and what the data relates to;
- how/why they collected it;
- what method/s of video analysis they used or are using;
- and how they have presented/are presenting that data.
- (if applicable) how the analysis found surprising results, or was of particular interest to the researcher.

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Submissions are due by end of Friday 22 June 2012 Friday 15 June 2012 - see key dates for more info.

Papers will be submitted via EasyChair and peer-reviewed by a minimum of 2 reviewers. At least one author of the accepted papers needs to register for the workshop.

Download a PDF of the CFP here.
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