
Accepted papers will form the basis of a meta-analysis/review of video analysis techniques presented in the first half of the workshop, with participants then breaking into smaller discussion groups based on themes of common interest (e.g. data collection, methods, procedures) suggested by the participants themselves and issues that arise. Problems identified by participants at the workshop will be discussed, along with potential solutions.

In the afternoon, participants will be divided into 6 groups and invited to analyse a sample of video data from a recent project in the field of HCI (provided by the workshop organisers), using 3 different techniques. Each participant will spend half an hour analysing the video with one analysis technique, before moving on to a different one, in total using three different approaches. Participants will then feed back to the rest of the group about their experiences with the techniques and engage in further group discussion around the use of video data analysis.

An outline of the proposed schedule is below; please note this is subject to change.

Time: Activity:
09:00-09:30 Arrival and registration
09:30-09:45 Welcome and introductions
Overview of the workshop and plan for the day
09:45-10:45 Activity 1: meta-analysis of video analysis techniques, using exemplars from submitted papers / presentations
10:45-11:00 Morning coffee break
11:00-12:00 Activity 2: Group discussions around common themes of interest (e.g. collection techniques; tools; coding etc)
12:00-12:30 Feedback from groups
12:30-13:30 Activity 3a: Introduction to group video analysis exercise
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Activity 3b: Group video analysis exercise
15:30-15:45 Afternoon coffee break
15:45-16:45 Activity 4: Feedback from groups
16:45-17:00 Rounding up and finish
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